Flash and Crash

As an artist it has become very evident that somehow, I have stored jarring memories of my art, of my education, of personalities, of highs and lows in order to justify my artistic relevance in the winter of my own life. It is truly a panorama and flash crashing vivid in color, feel, in exuberance […]

If Only

Failing, failure, falling down…it is all a part of the process of understanding your own purpose and will. Much time is spent on the art of motivating and explaining the process of getting up and there is a multitude of help in form of text, analysis and counseling in our saturated help banks. Something amidst […]

DILÚVIO and Gerald

  “DILÚVIO” Premier in São Paulo 11, November 2017 I am disappointed this week not to be in Sao Paulo to be a part of what is sure to be a colossal and mind-blowing piece of theater. It is the baby of my mentor, my teacher and my friend, director Gerald Thomas. I have been […]


Today is a splashing of melancholy for me as I half-heartedly celebrate 25 years residency in Europe. I vividly remember the adjustment and chaos of registering as an alien, just as my mother had done 41 years before on Ellis Island off of New York with that Statue of Liberty glowing down and saying, yes […]

Hitting a Number and getting hit back

…and suddenly, Sex·a·ge·nar·i·an, a Noun on approach and a Valentine’s Day mini-manifesto. The Chinese cycle of life and the year of the Monkey (yeah, go figure), 1956 and 2016. The Chinese believe that the only consequential birthdays are the first, the 10th, and yes, the…I can’t even count that far. I suppose that it is […]